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boiler safety valve造句

"boiler safety valve"是什么意思  
  • During the test, the boiler safety valves were set to the correct pressure.
  • In addition to a combustion chamber and the well-known IfS mixer-preheater, the 01.5's boiler was fitted with three full bore boiler safety valves ( Ackermann valves, nominal width 60 ).
  • The mechanics of the model locomotive incorporated a number of innovations, such as a boiler safety valve, having the cylinder partly immersed in the boiler and using a new valve system on the lines of the D-slide valve.
  • In particular he emphasised the need for adequate underground air-flow rate to neutralize gases, and promoted developments such as the use of barometers to monitor changes; cast-iron equipment; improved boiler safety valves and wire rope.
  • Just as " Richmond " made the turn in the river north of Port Hudson, a 6.4-inch ( 163 mm . ) solid conical shot tore through the starboard side, smashing both port and starboard boiler safety valves.
  • Various circumstances were discussed and certain facts came to light such as who may have been in charge on the steamboat, that there were only two lifeboats on board, there may not have been enough water buckets on board in case of a fire, was the boat been overcrowded, had there been previous fires on the " Henry Clay ", the possibility that the boiler safety valves were tied down to allow for faster speed.
  • It's difficult to see boiler safety valve in a sentence. 用boiler safety valve造句挺难的
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